One of the first paper bead earrings created by To Green and Beyond's founder Rajee Shah
To Green and Beyond donated its first $100 to 4 different Kiva borrowers
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Rajee taught a workshop on making earrings out of bottle caps with Kids & Art
To Green and Beyond's first time having a booth at the Maker Faire Bay Area
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We taught a Girl Scout troop how to create their own paper bead jewelry to earn a badge!
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Round 2 at the Maker Faire Bay Area.
To Green and Beyond started sponsoring the education for 2 underprivileged girls in the organization Shwas
Rajee taught a workshop at Maker Faire Barnes & Nobles
To Green and Beyond sold paper lanterns for the holidays!
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To Green and Beyond has a booth at the Bay Area Maker Faire for the third year in a row
Makezine wrote an article about To Green and Beyond after learning about us at the Maker Faire
Rajee worked with another Girl Scout troop to help them earn their badges
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The City of Cupertino awarded Rajee with a Proclamation from the Mayor